Country Auto Doors in Cowra
Country Auto Doors
The worst customer services in the central west of NSW!!! The receptionist 'Tamatha' is so rude and abrupt on the phone, we have been asking for a service to our automatic door for the last 6 weeks and were promised that someone will be calling by in the next couple of weeks. We are still waiting!!!
We have also been in contact with our local businesses in the area that have an automatic door and were told that they have had their door serviced recently and yet we are still waiting for someone to call by.
If you can't provide the service to us, then please recommend someone who can. It is winter, and we have had to have our door on open most days. I don't doubt that you have the best intention at heart in regards to your employee. But I do believe that your receptionist is not suited to the job as a provider of customer service.
Perhaps it is time to replace your receptionist and your business will have better review.